Today is a great day! I woke up and it's my sons 5
th birthday!!! He's five, he's my baby!! Just been a great day so far! It's one of those expressive, creative 'scream to the world how great your life is' days.
To all of you who continually support me, I just love you and truly
appreciate you!!! I have found in my business and life in general, you always have people who will try and bring you down, no matter what. But what overpowers those people are your faith and all the
fantastic people God put in your life who are your constant support. I just have had a mixed week...I have been hit by both types of those people this week. (...for the emails I
received this week (you know who you are) thank you so much for your wonderfully kind words!!!!)
You know what I have found in dealing with this??? The nice, kind, wonderful people TOTALLY
over weigh those
other type. People will always be there to bring you down, just don't let them...not even for a second!!! My business means SO much to me, I can't even put it into words, I really can't. It's just a huge part of who I am, and what I love and I
yearn for it. I take it seriously because of that deep love so I'm a little 'on-
guard' when I get those not-so-nice comments from people regarding it. Do I get much of it? No, I
honestly don't...but it always seems to come from the unexpected, and I think
that's exactly why it gets to me. Should it get to me?
NOOOO!!!!! I need to learn that, and get it beat into my head!!! That's what triggered this post today. I want other people who are struggling with "opposition" to learn from my dumb mistakes and stay strong, and BE YOU!!!
Ohhhh the opposition will come from places you had never expected and it will hurt, but it will make you stronger I the end. I'm quite sure some of the MOST successful people in the world had thier family and friends doubt them....but what made them a success was that they did it anyway.
It's no secret, I strive to be different and strive to put out work that's ME. I'm not afraid to do it, and with all of my heart I hope
that's exactly why my clients choose me to photograph their lives and families. Am I traditional? Um no. Not so much. I try to get away from traditional as much as possible to be dead honest. I think pushing the
boundaries and doing the stuff that I love and that is truly me, makes my business and my work what it is and why I'm
successful. God has given me a talent to use, and an 'eye' for the unexpected. I need to use that talent....not change that talent because of some person or people who
do not 'get it'.
To all of you out there who strive to be YOU, and shut out all of those people who tell you "it'll never work" or "you'll never make it" or just feel the need to try and put you down....I respect you. To the highest degree, I respect you.
Those people say those hurtful things because of
their insecurities or jealousy, those things have NOTHING AT ALL to do with you. There will always be those types, and if you can shut them out and just do what you know is right and what you need to do, or you can let them effect you and your life.
Those of you young people who are just learning your talents and gifts and trying to find out where you are being lead to go with your life....don't let ANYONE hold you back. EVER. You do what God wants for you and what is right for YOU, and and NEVER let
people put limits on you. Follow your dreams and talents to the highest degree. Shut out the opposition.