Monday, April 30, 2007


I got another birthday present Saturday afternoon! My dad and stepmom brought me some pretty flowers to plant! I just hope I do not kill them now, LOL!!! Jeremy was great and planted them for me today

outside in a couple planters, and we did some other yard work. These were my favorite...Purple daisies!


Lazy (and beautiful) Sunday afternoon at church, watching the kiddos play, and tinkering with my reflector in the mid-day sunlight! Worked great too, this is SOOC, not to shabby, there was not a cloud in the sky

Saturday, April 28, 2007



My boys were outside friday playing, and the light was pretty so I begged them to take their picture! They were a mess from playing and did NOT want to sit still, so what you see is all I got, hahaha!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Crazy snapshot day! Lukewas being a WACKO tonight! I wish I could post ALL of them, he was just hyper!!!


Day 83 is make-up! Here is that picture of my birthday card! If you come across this at the hallmark it! It sings, its a hoot!! I just love it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Sunday night a dear friend and her adorable kiddos flew in from AZ for a visit! She got to come to evening service Sunday night, and then we got to spend all of Monday morning together too before she had to leave to drive to WI! The weather held out that morning, so we went to breakfast and then took all the kids to the park! Here is a snapshot of all of them together! They just had a great time...we all did! I was so sad to see her go!!


Remember the Magenta flower from Day 72? Here it is again, one week later, after it bloomed! Is it bad that I liked it better before it bloomed?! Thats just because of the color! However they smell wonderful this week!

Day 80

Saturday I had a family session at Shore Acres, that pretty place I posted earlier! This is one from the session, it was at the very end, I just wanted to try this. The sunset was really pretty with the orangey colors! Its pretty but the mommy was holding the 2 year old, you can't tell from the picture though because of the tree behind them, but there was limited space to work with..I still just think it's really pretty


Today is supposed to be a picture of on of my Birthday cards! My favorite one!! The boys got me a card and it has hamsters on the front dancing, and then you open it, and it sings a silly doo-dee-doo song! I LOVE it! I was just cracking up! we listened to it all day on my birthday,a nd then Friday ever more, HAHA...right now its in my purse, so whenever I need to smile I can hear it!

However, I can NOt find the picture!! I'll find it, and then I can post it later. Its sooooo cute

Day78--my BIRTHDAY!

Thursday was my birthday! I just had the best day! I woke up to cards and presents and emails and messages...I even got to sleep in a little bit!! The whole day was so nice, I didn't have to cook, my boys were being SO sweet, everything was just lovely and...I got to eat icecream, twice! hehehhe!! It was a really good day! We went to the park that afternoon since I was around 60 and the boys played. I took a couple pictures of the flowers near by as they played. They are cheery and pretty so Ithought they were nice to post!


Wednesday I had to run all over too, so on the way home I stopped on my road and snapped this realllllllly fast. The tree curves and a a bit crazy! I had to take a pic.


Tuesday I had so much stinkin work, and I needed a little break. I told the kiddos we needed to take a little trip! We went to Chillicothe and checked out Shore Acres! Which, I now love! Here is just one cool part, Its just so pretty down there, in the fall and summer it will be so pretty with the trees!! You can walk down along the shore line and everything.
I'm telling you, I like Chillicothe more and more every day!


I'm trying hard this morning to get caught up! I have had so much going on lately that its been really hard to keep up my blog! When I get a free minute, either blogger just will not work for me, or I just wanna go to sleep. I have been taking my pictures of the day almost every single day, just no time to get them on here, ack! I'm sorry I have gotten behind!

Monday, April 16, 2007


Today was finally warmer, not warm....but warmer! Daddy got out the go-kart and him and lukers went "FAST!"


This was at Church Sunday, I wanted to try again with better settings! This one is cool you see the little spiral thingies all over it!


I did a Picture Day Saturday, I had SOOOO much fun! This is one of my my favorite images from the day, look at this little girls face!!! So was SOOO cute!!!



To come :)

Day70 the middle of APRIL! Boooo


Friday, April 13, 2007

Blogger issues...

I haven't been able to log in to my control panel for my blog in 4 days!! I hope THIS posts, it's "disconnected" me 3 times just trying to post this update!!

Anyway, as soon as I can get it to actually work for me, I'll get all my posts caught up! Sorry there has been a delay in days, its a hassle!!

Monday, April 09, 2007


I was planning to take a picture today on the way home from a session, but I totally forgot! Then I had to go run a million errands, so todays picture is just one from my session!
I love this shot, its the only natural light shot from the day...and of course, at the top of my list! I wanted to do more natural light SO badly, but it was just so gloomy today that I would have had to use a high ISO, and then everything would have to much grain, and thats never fun. But, we got some simply lovely images of this beautiful little baby girl....and her family is wonderful, shes is a very lucky little lady.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


I don't have the energy this evening for a Easter report, so I will just say the day was long.

The boys had a wonderful day, I love to watch them hunt for eggs at papaws! The first picture is just of Lukey's Easter basket about half way thru his hunt! And the 2nd is our yearly family snap shot! We always try to match somehow on easter....this year we did pink, white and, the boys were less than thrilled so this is probably the only picture I will get in with them in the pink polos, haha. Hey, I sure tried!! Thank you to my beautiful sister for helping us and snapping it :) Love you, sis

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I got a hair cut today...just an inch and then a little tiny layer along the bottom so it lays pretty. Also, these are my new glasses! I have had them about a month. I set my settings, and handed the camera to Jeremiah, he snapped a few for me! He does such a great job. This was in the bathroom...I sat on the edge of the tub, and had him sit on the counter across from me so he would be above me a little. He is one rockin' awesome kiddo!! He did complain at the end that the camera is "WAY to heavy mom" haha....yes, that it is dude.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Okay so today I learned something!! IF you are shooting the sky, and you aim at the sun behind the clouds....then get to see pretty rainbow halo around the clouds!!! Now on my desktop you can see them much brighter and vivid, on my laptop you can hardly see...but it's so pretty! I hope you guys can see, its neato.


This is a teeeeeeeeeeeeny tiny dandelion!! Like as small as my thumbnail! It's sharp in weird places, but it was so tiny I could only get so close, this is a crop! I should have upped my Ap...that would have helped but it was COLD and I was hurrying along.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


To add another pic of "the cow who hates me". I have picture guilt!!!

I got nothin'.

I'm still sick. No energy, sneezing, coughing, sleepy, I just feel BAD. So nope, no pic today. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better *enough*. I have got to get some sleep and get rid of this!!!!

Sorry I'm pictureless :( It snowed here APRIL for gooness sake, that would have been a good picture, huh?!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I'm still sick, today was noooot fun!! I'm SICK of being sick. Well, I was just about to lay down this afternoon and UPS showed up....with my new softbox! It collapses, like an umbrella...oh mercy is it cool. Well...I had to fiddle with it, it was one of the happy moments of my day of sickness, hehehe. It took about 30 seconds to put up, nothing like my other one you see. Well this is a picture of it (new one is on the right side of that messy studio pic) and also a pic of Miah with it too...but keep in mind this is SOOC (straight out of camera) so no tweaking, which I'm sure it needs but on this crazy laptop it's not accurate so I didn't even bother trying!!


Monday Jeremy had to go to work for a (stupid)1 hour meeting. well, we all needed fresh air badly after 3 days of the sick house, so we all went along. The boys and I just hung out for 45 minutes at the mall near by. Well On the way home I told Jeremy if we saw a cow close to the side of the road, I wanted to take a pic! this was one of the 20 cows...yeah, he hated me. First they all ran away from me, and then this guy started coming at me! He was huge...and no matter how much I told him I liked him and that I was a nice little lady....he hated me, haha. thats okay, I got this, but its as good as I could get! Say hello to Mr Moo ;)

Monday, April 02, 2007


Well, this pretty much sums up the past few days in our house. We have all been so sick. It feels like a truck hit ya and you can't stop sleeping, then you get a cough, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, stuff nose, a tummy ache....ohh boy. 4 people all at once, its been lovely. Plus my poor Jeremiahs Allergies kicked in too on top of it!!!!