Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I think this sums up whats on my mind today. Not a good pic by any means, but perfect nonetheless.


Day 26!! I was driving home from lunch with an old friend and this was the gloomy, but pretty sky. I pulled over in 3 different spots to shoot it. So, one pic of the sky, and one pic with me in there, hehehee, I was driving down the road with my baby...er, camera in my lap so I figured I would take a pic!!

Monday, February 26, 2007


2 today!

Well today was Jeremiahs birthday. After morning service at church Jeremiah and Jeremy ran over to walmart. I stayed at church because Luke had fallen asleep. Well I took that free time alone in the church to shoot!! here are 2 pictures. One is the window by our pew, I thought it was pretty since it was snowing outside! Also there is one of a bible and 2 hymnals that sit in the back of the pew!!!


This was Saturday's picture that I'm just now getting to post!!! STUPID google blogger...don't get me started. We had a terrible ice storm AGAIN. This is what every window on the west side of my house looked like!! you couldn't even see thru them, it was terrible!!

Friday, February 23, 2007


We are watching my friends kiddos until Saturday afternoon....well Rachel is one of Lukers faaaavorite people!! This is Lukey playing with his Rachel!! He's "flying like an airplane!!"

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I was on the road most of the day with my crazy boys! We had to run some errands and such, so in honor of being on the road...I went outside I laid down on the road! bwahaha!! I love road shots!!

Happy Day 22!!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


2 today!!! Here is why....
Okay, the sky was pretty and blue and SO clear, usually we have clouds here but not really today! And I just thought this was pretty and made me hopeful for SPRING....notice NO green?!?!?! Oh how I looooooooong for green. I miss it.

The LOVE in the snow, well that was to show 3 things.... 1) I like seeing things written in the snow, hehe, 2) I am in a loooooovey dovey mood, thats why I choose to write that word and 3) See how GROSS the snow is?? Maybe it will help you understand how depressing it looks around here!! The sky is pretty, but look at that gross nasty dirty dingy snow I have to be surround by.

I'm ready for it to MELT, soon!! Its gross, and a eye sore at this point becuase of all the dirt...its no longer petty white soft beauty....now its a dirty dingy sloppy slushy mess!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


WEEEE!! Look what my new lense can do!! I was like 3 inches from the ground, directly overtop...it made me talk to myself I was SO happy! hahhaa!!

this is my driveway....melting away all this ugly snow!!! Its smushy and muddy outside, but I was outside for 15 minutes with NO coat and didn't even get cold!! Its awesome!! WAHOOO, come on Spring!!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Oh my, cheating again!!!!

I did not even open my camera bag today!! Not once! SOOO, I am just gonna post one of my Jeremiah, I took this Friday night!

He is SOOOOO handsome. Birthday in 6 days!!!


I think I'm gonna make Sundays "Days" have a theme. I'm always at church those days, so I feel it's where Sundays shoudl be focused!!

Soooo, Sundays pics will be church/Jesus/Spiritual related :) And I consider nature a Godly thing, so i'm hoping to get some pretty things as Spring is coming!!!


I'm cheating. Saturday...my day17...I had to take pics, but they were just snaps for chruch and the valentines party. Well instead of posting one of thooooose, I'm gonna post an extra one from day18, hehe!! Thats OKAY to me, just becuase I really did take pics Saturday! HAHA! I'm a goof!

This was the sunset Sunday night, so yellow and pink, I just thought it deserved to be posted!

Friday, February 16, 2007


In honor of my new "bad boy" lense, I had to try it! Lukers let me take a couple....thats about it too, the meanie!!

But here we go, A lovely Day16 shot ;)

*ahhhh 24-70L*

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Jeremiah is turning 7 in a week and a 1/2!! soooo I was being a sap and thinking of him alot today....and everyday, hehe. So I figured I would take a pic of his name is his room.

I'm on the laptop so I know for a fact its not a great pic!! the color will be off and the brightness so bare with me!!! :(

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentines Day!!!

This is little heart Lukey gave me, he is so cute! I thought I would take a pic todayof this little love heart!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007



Well, in honor of our terrible blizzard conditions and the news people saying stay off the roads no matter WHAT.....I took this pic THRU my kitchen window, LOL!!! Its nasty out there, I tried to open the back door....um no way I'm taking my baby outside in all that terrible wind and snow!!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Yesterday I was at my dads house and he was going to BURN this chair! Okay its beat up, but burn it!?!? No!! hehehe...so, I adopted it! It was his parents at one point, even.

Well we are getting SNOW again, I had to run to the store and make sure we had enough stuff for when we are stranded...and so I had to take the pretty chair out of my van! SOOO, I thought I'd take a pic!

I edited it on my laptop so who knows what it REALLY looks like???

Sunday, February 11, 2007


So Sundays are the Lords day, so where do we spend our time? At church of course!! The best place to be!! Well I forgot to take my pic until after it was already dark and time for evening Service. Bro. Tom was gonna do a special tonight for us with one of his guitars, and I always think they are so pretty and cool looking! I figured THAT is what I will shot! But pardon the color it was room light only...LOL! not pretty!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I totally cheated today!!! This is just one from my client session, I totally forgot to take a pic fo here....but hey at least it's from today...right?!?!?!

Friday, February 09, 2007


Today I am not having a good day. I'm cranky, walmart was busy, and being were so rude. Like the cashier lady turns her light off after I had been standing in her line 5 minutes THEN tells me to go another lane!! Doh!!! Sooooooo, I took a pic of my blessed Advocare Spark, because it makes me happy!!!! Also, when I was mad and waiting forever in the check out line, I wanted to buy chocolate..but instead I bought this decorating magazine!!! GO ME...I really wanted the chocolate, let me tell ya!!! Soooooooooooo...that explains my day 9;)

Thursday, February 08, 2007


This is my bed....I'm sleepy today since I had to get up early for the hot water heater man, so I thought it fit my mood!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Oh in honor of my new backdrop that arrived today, HERE is day 7!!!!


Watermellon and Brown & Pink Stripe!!

I ordered some 'Baby Legs' from Baby Bella online, for the studio to have on hand! they are SOOOOO cute! I can't wait to use them!! Oh my, with a tutu or a denim shirt? hello!?!?!?


This is an old washboard I have in my livingroom. I LOVE olf stuff, it makes me happy!!


This is just some decoration on an old handmade pillowcase I have. I just thinks the detail is pretty. The shot doesn't really to it justice...bad Shellie!



Okay this might just be a snapshot, but its in honor for my new BABY! My 17" Gateway laptop my hubby got me!! YEA BABY! Now that case got returned...it said it would fit a 18" but it lied, no way it fit! BOO


Okay so totally boring, but this is an (very) ugly lamp we have, hehehhehe!!!

This will be a challenge for me simply because somedays I just don't wanna look at my camera!! This was one of those days. I was literally just sitting in a chair and saw this, so this is what you get, Bwhahaha...hopefully other days will make up for the boring ones!

Day 1

Okay so I think I will be taking them daily, but yet probably not posting them daily, haha!! Today I'm going to get caught UP!

Here is my first one!! Jeremiah was playing a game on the computer, so Luke asked if he could paint! Of course I said yes!